June 13, 2006

Boy Kill Boy--Civilian

The highly anticipated debut album release from the London rockers Boy Kill Boy hits shelves in summer, and is best described as a contemplation of current indie and post-punk rock. The bright and bouncy songs are a mish-mash of the type of sound that most people think of when they hear "indie." The instrumentals and rhythms of the songs are a mix of Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, and The Bravery. Songs such as "Suzie" draw from the choppy vocal rhythm of Fall Out Boy, but sound more like The Killers. Dance beats and extra instruments remind one again of The Bravery and Sound Team.

Boy Kill Boy is very stereotypical in this sense, there was nothing new or unique about the album, just a good mix of indie, post-punk, and dance. The lyrics are simple and typical, mainly about relationships, and not happy ones. The vocals edge in on annoying at times, and some songs are repetitive and boring. Listeners, especially those who like some but not all of the bands that influence Boy Kill Boy, will find some songs that just rub them the wrong way.

Although Boy Kill Boy is simply a puddle of current popular indie rock, they’re good at being a puddle. The album is altogether good and fun to listen to. Their sound is mature and professional, and any fan of indie-meets-punk-meets-dance will find a song or two here that will have them dancing in their seat, drumming on their steering wheel, or banging their head.

(Published at ComfortComes.com)

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