June 13, 2006

The Futureheads--News & Tributes

I have to say, these cheeky boys from Sunderland got me. Their new album starts with "Yes No", beginning very quietly, so quiet I cranked my stereo. Ah but that‘s where they get you, the drum beats come in loud and hard, and the guitar joins it suddenly, shaking my walls. So begins "News and Tributes", the sophomoric release by post-punk rockers The Futureheads. "Yes No" continues into a rousing, powerful sonic blast of "YES! / NO!" and is an excellent introduction to the silliness that will follow throughout the album.

"Fallout" is the third track, hitting hard with drumbeat-like guitar chords, backing the imagery-packed lyrics. "After days in the dark / The light broke through / And it was visible to see you." Next comes the single of the album, "Skip To The Last", which is fast paced and easily stuck in one’s head. In quite obvious relationship woes, the lyrics desire to know the end before the beginning, "Skip to the last paragraph / Before we start / See the happy ending / Or the broken heart." With bouncy backing vocals, this song is easily the best on the album.
Other songs are worth mentioning however, for pure post-punk hard hitting instrumentals,

"Return of the Beserker" is a gem. Fast non-relenting guitars supported with hard beating drums create a strong sonic attack, catching you off guard when its all dropped for the naked, solitary guitar solo. "Burnt" is also particularly good, switching to sobering acoustic guitars. Again, the lyrics are bouncy and very pop, "Got burnt, third degree / Never learned my lesson but forgive me please / Nothing lasts forever, nothing is free / Please remember, to let me down gently."

The Futureheads’ strength lies in coupling cheeky pop attitudes with post-punk instrumentals. They get their songs stuck inside your head and do not let go. Insightful and memorable at their best, and silly everywhere else, The Futureheads second album should be a well-welcomed hit for those who enjoyed their debut.

(Published at ComfortComes.com)

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