September 25, 2006

Eugene Ripper--Crackle

Have you been noticing the political themes coming out of popular bands lately? Eugene Ripper seemingly appears to follow this odd trend in "Tech Know Me," "Big brother monkey’s on my back / My television is a fashion rack." Oh no. Another new artist stuck in an overdone motif already. But wait "This high-tech revolution will shape and shake my future / But it won’t change how I feel / And I feel alright." So here then is Eugene Ripper, care-free and bouncy. It’s refreshing isn’t it? The Canadian artist tests the musical waters with this four-track EP. Upbeat, light, and quite fluffy, he goes on to sing of his favorite chair before rolling into a blues-influenced "New Attitude." Short punchy songs are the name of the game, and Ripper stays goofy but at the same time just plays good music. His style is that extra-special something that would perk your interest in a neighborhood bar. "Tech Know Me" is a catchy tune that might just launch Ripper far, and it would be a good idea to keep an eye on this one.

(Published at

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