September 16, 2006

Faulter--Darling Buds of May

If there’s anything this world needs more than peace or food for starving babies, it’s more pop-punk-rock groups. (Insert laughter). Well, while the world goes on with no peace and many starving babies, there is an overpopulation of similar-sounding pop-rock acts, complete with the required piano ballad. Faulter follows the formula: pleasant vocals that hint at emotional fragility, predictable instrumentals that range from remorseful to explosive, and the tear-dripper piano solos: "Darling Buds of May," and "There You Go." The lyrics follow the same lines as well, deeply emotional and heartbroken: "These words come flowing out my chest / So let me know if I’m making sense." Yet, like most pop-rock groups, they are enjoyable to listen to. Faulter pulls the right tricks out of the hat, like the pleasantly simple "October 16th." Faulter may fall into an overdone category but they don’t overdo it. They are at their best when they go soft, and heavier pieces like "Holding On" fall short. Smile Empty Soul and Trapt seem to be among their top influences, but tads of Green Day and a slowed version of Fall Out Boy creep in as well. Darling Buds of May is their debut release, and if they keep this up they’ll become a big name.

Not to make it seem as if they are starving babies and stifling peace efforts, Faulter does do it’s part to fixing the world, they recently raised $5,000 in support of finding a cure for breast cancer. Good for you guys.

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