September 20, 2006

Larrikin Love--The Freedom Spark

"Who says there needs to be a beach to wear a swimming suit?" Certainly not Larrikin Love, who are clearly following in The Futureheads’ quirky-Brit-styled footsteps in their debut album. Witty and rambunctious , The Freedom Sparks is one catchy tune after another. Filled in are quick ‘n clever little quips like that mentioned above put over pop guitar bits and unique beats. Delicious little post-punk grooves like "On Sussex Downs" are more accessible and, (dare I say?), better than their Futureheads counterparts’ work. The playful single "Happy As Annie" takes the grassroots of a Texan violinist, throws it together with the fast-tongued abilities of an auctioneer, adds a bouncy groove and Larrikin’s English accents; which altogether sounds like British-ized hillbilly chase music. Yet, it works. Songs like "Happy as Annie" and the Celtic-influenced "Fall At The Feet of Rae" could draw a laugh, but Larrikin Love put just enough seriousness into the songs for them to, well, be taken seriously. Strings are featured throughout, and The Freedom Spark contains just enough diversity of songs not to keep you bored, but it doesn’t leave you in the dust either. An lively, impressive, and interesting debut from one of Britain’s newest indie groups. Larrikin Love are currently touring about Europe, swimsuits and all.

(Published at

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